Swiss Remedies AG has no relation and is nor associated with any email addresses, only is our working email, please strongly check it before your answer. Swiss Remedies AG does not promote any distributors through email campaigns.

Product verification

Besides genuine, certified products, there are cases of counterfeit medications. Not only they don’t have the desired effect, but they can also pose serious health risk to the patient.

We take serious measures to protect our customers and products. Using sophisticated packaging with security elements, both visual and tactile,  we make it difficult to counterfeit our products.

Additionally, each and every one of our products has its unique identification code. This code lets you to verify the originality of your product online.

To verify your product, please use our convenient Swiss Remedies Check below.

Verify your product:

All genuine Swiss Remedies products are always supplied in a holographic packaging with a double layer peel-off verification code. Enter the code and upload photos of your Swiss Remedies products below to pass verification.

Correct the data and submit the form again.
Verification code submitted. Ok!