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Somatropin is a synthetically created Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Synthetic HGH is simply a man made version of the naturally produced Growth Hormone (GH) by the human body. This is one of the most valuable and important hormones.

Somatropin Functions

HGH is a protein based hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland. This is a hormone produced by all people regardless of sex or age, although in very low amounts in adulthood. This is a hormone that affects the entire human body and is essential to our wellbeing, out health and how we function. Somatropin is simply a synthetic version of this naturally produced hormone. Somatropin (HGH) functions by sending a signal to the cells in our muscles, bones and fat tissue. This signal promotes muscle growth and affects fat loss.

Effects of Somatropin

The effects of Somatropin cover a wide range of areas and can lead to dramatic improvements all over the human body. This is a compound that’s most commonly used to treat pituitary dwarfism or GH deficiency in adults in medical settings, which can occur for numerous reasons. It is also used in HIV and AIDS treatment, burn victims, short bowel syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome. Additionally, a very common reason for Somatropin use (medically) is anti-aging.

For the athlete, Somatropin is a highly beneficial compound although not commonly one that’s used alone. One of the best traits of Somatropin for the athlete is in its ability to promote recovery.

Whether for the purpose of athletics, bodybuilding or anti-aging and whether male or female, the effects of Somatropin include:

  • Decreased Body Fat
  • Enhanced Ability to Maintain Proper Body Fat Levels
  • A Tighter Physique
  • Enhanced Metabolic Rate
  • Enhanced Sense of Wellbeing
  • Healthier Skin
  • Improved Sleeping Patterns
  • Increased Bone Strength
  • Increased Energy
  • Increased Joint Strength
  • Increased Lean Tissue Growth
  • Increased Rate of Physical Recovery
  • Increased Tendon Strength

Side Effects of Somatropin

Somatropin is one of the friendliest hormones anyone can use. There are possible side effects of Somatropin use, but they are not common.

The most common side effect of Somatropin is water retention. This most commonly occurs in the ankles and wrists. This will normally subside after the body accustoms but can be problematic with high doses.

Headaches and joint discomfort can also be fairly common, but most users should not have a long-term issue with proper use.

Although rare, flu like symptoms are possible during the early stages of Somatropin use.

The side effects of Somatropin may also include carpal tunnel syndrome when water retention is severe. This is most common with performance enhancement level doses.

A deficiency in thyroid production is also possible, particularly with performance level doses. If this is an issue it can be remedied by the use of Liothyronine Sodium, better known as Cytomel (T3).

Other possible yet rare side effects include nausea, dizziness, respiratory infection and a numbing of the skin.

The most serious side effects of Somatropin revolve around abuse and can be highly problematic. Enlargement of the hands and feet, jaw line and even internal organs can occur with long-term high dose use.

Short-term Type 2 diabetes is also possible due to the hormone’s affect on blood sugar. Diet adjustments may need to be made.

The final possible side effect of Somatropin is irritation at the injected area. An itchy feeling or small lumps around the injection area are possible. Rotating injection sites is important. You may find certain areas of the body respond better than others.

Somatropin Administration

Somatropin is an injectable hormone and can be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

For medical use male Somatropin doses will fall in the 1-3iu per day range.

For female Somatropin use, doses will normally fall in the 1-2iu per day range. In some cases doses may be slightly less than 1iu per day in anti-aging plans.

For the athlete doses can vary quite a bit. 2-4iu per day can be tremendously beneficial for recovery and fat loss. Females can receive the same benefits in the 1-2iu per day range.

For true growth to be had, off-season cycles, 6-8ius is normally standard but must be used long term.

Females who desire a larger more anabolic dose will normally dose the hormone at 3-4iu per day.

The shortest amount of time the hormone could be used beneficially is 8-12 weeks in order to promote fat loss and recovery with 16 weeks being far more beneficial. For a strong anabolic effect, six months of use will be necessary. If used for the purpose of anti-aging, use will last indefinitely, possibly for life.